My name is Peter Michell. I am happily married to Marion, we have three grown up children and seven grandchildren. I run my own professional practice as a Chartered Accountant. Marion looks after me, the house, and the family as required and is well involved in ‘Messy Church.’
We go to Storrington Community Church which is walking distance from home.
My time with the International Christian Chamber of Commerce took me to many countries teaching the TWL course and equipping others to be able to teach it. By God’s grace His Spirit was always present confirming the word sometimes with salvation, with healing, with the sort of personal touch only He can minister to individuals and sometimes demonstrably.
Whilst most of my biblical understanding has come from my own study I owe a great deal to the foundational teaching of Roger Price whose material is available on the CCF Tapes website.
I am chairman of bible voice a ministry whose calling is to herald the coming return of Jesus and to provide excellent bible teaching.
In making the material available free to all it is my hope that you will be enhanced in your walk with Jesus – able to ‘Reign in life’ in the midst of the difficulties which are involved in living in a fallen world.
Having been teaching the ICCC bible study course in various places it was ‘on my heart’ to write the key teaching in booklet form. But I would not actually ‘put pen to paper’ until I was certain it was Spirit’s idea rather than mine. I told no one at all. At a meeting in Moscow a man from Singapore who I had never met before, in a public meeting, pointed to me and said, ‘Peter you are to write a series of booklets and they will go round the world.’ So here they are.