‘In this world you will have tribulation’, said Jesus,’ but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.’ (John 16:33) So Paul can say to the Romans ‘much more, those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, will reign in life through the One Christ Jesus.’ (5:17)
This course was originally designed for the International Christian Chamber of Commerce to equip businessmen for their difficult task in the world. It was (and still is as part of ‘Transformed Working Life’ -TWL) taught in many countries frequently with signs following. Here it has been adapted, where necessary, to make it appropriate to everyday life.
To get the foundations right one must start with INHERENT POWER. With that mastered the next building block is HOPE which is the certainty of future blessing. Then add FAITH, the evidence of what is hoped for, which comes by HEARING GOD SPEAK which gives us the strategies for life. The next block is, that we are called to be diligent to enter God’s rest by WORKING FROM REST realising that NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS. Then to complete our ‘building’ – we are called to BE STRONG IN THE BATTLE, to apply RENEWING THE MIND and to flow in the ANOINTING of God.
These studies were designed particularly for the increasingly difficult times we now live in.